Mistakes…When you’re to Blame
Mistakes…When you’re to Blame
This week I made a mistake, or perhaps better said a bad judgement call. Last week I spoke about taking responsibility for one’s life and this week I was faced with just that – taking responsibility for something I did wrong. I won’t go into the minutia of my error, suffice to say that made a decision to do something, while it wasn’t nefarious or indecent, it was inappropriate in the setting and circumstances. I knew after having made the decision that it hadn’t been a good one and I felt anxious about it. I got called out on it and I found that I was relieved – I made sure it was clear that I was fully in accord that I was at fault and assured the person that I was incredibly sorry.
I had a couple of days feeling the burden of that guilt – I have a very guilty conscience and felt this acutely. I knew it was time to look to Conquering Life and to assess. I knew that I had made a mistake. I knew I was the only one to blame and that external factors weren’t to be used as excuses, and even though that made me uncomfortable I wasn’t letting myself wriggle out a justification. It was in that moment though that I realised I could actually take some pride in the fact that I was taking full responsibility for my action even though it was hard or uncomfortable. Once the discomfort wore away I was left with more positive feelings, I found that I could handle situations with accountability and maturity and that was a powerful discovery.
We all make mistakes and sometimes they are the stupidest split second decisions but we all make them occasionally. That doesn’t mean that we get to hide away from it, it means that we have to face it head on. I’m not talking about the opposite end of the extreme and beating yourself up over anything and everything, it’s about being present and active in your life. It’s about taking responsibility for the good, the bad and everything in between. With acceptance and awareness comes the ability to change and the opportunity to learn. At the end of the day we are all human and with humanity comes making mistakes, some are more serious than others and it’s important to make decisions with awareness and consideration, but if we do make a mistake our handling of it is just as important as the mistake itself.
Conquering Life taught me that I can be present and proactive in my life, I wasn’t told I’d never mess up or fail at something, rather I was taught the skills I needed to handle those situations when they arose. I can move forward now knowing I can handle anything that comes my way, even if I put if I’m the one who put it in my way in the first place!
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