Video Testimonials

Congratulations to Jonny for effectively utilising ‘Conquering Life’ to gain valuable self insight and making great strides on a limitless path in life.
Is it your time yet?

Congratulations to Paul in successfully using ‘Conquering Life’ to gain valuable self insight and the beginning of a life on his terms. He is truly on the path of conquering life!
Your time yet?

Congratulations to Polly in successfully using ‘Conquering Life’ to smash all her barriers and limitations, she is truly on the path of conquering life!

Katie uses ‘Conquering Life’ to end depression, obsessions, compulsions, fears, worries and anxiety and is now once again back in control!So can YOU!

Camilla uses ‘Conquering Life’ to end depression, say’s goodbye to fears, worries and anxiety and is now in charge and conquering every aspect in her life!
So can YOU!

Rebecca uses the ‘Conquering Life programme’ to end depression, say’s goodbye to fears, worries and anxiety and is now conquering every aspect in her life! So can YOU!

Tom uses the ‘Conquering Life’ to CURE his depression, say goodbye to intrusive thoughts, anxiety and low self esteem, and begin to live life with more control than ever.

Just when Lukas thought life was at it’s best, the ‘Conquering Life programme’ came along… He now has a new definition of “LIFE AT IT’S BEST” ! Your turn yet??

Anna uses the ‘Conquering Life programme’ to CURE her emetophobia and is now conquering every aspect in her life! So can YOU!

Another success story from
Izzy uses the ‘Conquering Life programme’ to cure her debilitating depression and is now thriving in life! So can YOU!

Gillian uses the programme to maximize efficiency in business, optimize productivity, bring quality and happiness to and conquer every aspect of her life! So can YOU!

Another success story from ‘ConqueringLifeWithEdward’
Sharon uses the programme to cure her emetophobia and is now thriving in life!
So can YOU!

Using ‘Conquering Life Programme’ (x) successfully Transforms her life and outlook on life, and is now in a very happy place!
This programme is available to you too NOW:

Cameron successfully cured himself of ADHD using my programme, no longer on any type of medication and is now happy and in charge of his life! This programme is available to you too NOW.

George successfully dismantles all his limiting beliefs, overcomes all perceived barriers and is now conquering his life, this young man is going places. Watch this space!

Kamil finally stops being a victim and takes on life on his terms, no longer shy or timid, has truely recognised his strengths and proud. Happy with who he is and confident in his skin. And for the first time in his life, he is truly conquering his life.

Congratulations to Matt in successfully smashing all his barriers and limitations, he is truly conquering life on a daily basis!

After several suicide attempts and god knows what, Jenni finally stops being a victim and takes on life on her terms, she comes off antidepressants, mood stablisers, sleeping tablets… all naturally and has truely become happy for the first time in her life, she has truly conquered her life.

Lovely Chloe follows in her mother’s footsteps to take on the battles like a warrior and finally conquers life!

Francesca used ‘ConqueringLifeWithEdward’ to cure herself of Emetophobia, raised her self esteem to 90/95% and is thriving in life!

Jan decided enough was enough and it was time to stop suffering life as a victim, using ‘ConqueringLifeWithEdward’ Jan turned her whole life upside down, took the reigns and is now directing every aspect of her life like a boss!

Rachel, successfully got over her fear of flying and changed her world, using ConqueringLifeWithEdward. “LIFE IS GOOD, THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT!”

Thomas achieved great things through the programme, said goodbye to depression and social anxiety, smashed his negative beliefs and is coquering every aspect of his life.