Cure for Emetophobia
Cure for Emetophobia in Weybridge

Cure for Emetophobia
Emetophobia is actually the fifth most common “phobia” in the World.
It has been estimated that there are approximately 3,000,000 people suffering from it in the UK alone!
So why have hardly any people heard of it?
It’s what we call a “SECRET PHOBIA” as most sufferers feel so “daft” or “embarrassed” about it that often they will not even tell their spouses about it for several years!
But we’ve got GREAT NEWS, after more than 25 years of working and understanding the problem of literally thousands of sufferers, a definitive way of totally overcoming your fear of being sick is finally available.
We have also carried out the most comprehensive Research Survey that has ever been done on this phobia and the results that have been achieved with this very specific technique have been truly remarkable.
84.7% of Emetophobia sufferers found that their Symptoms went from having a severe and significant impact on their daily lives to having “little or no impact” at all, with the remaining 15.3% of sufferers also reporting that their symptoms were still reduced to a “modest” level of impact.
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By following this specially adapted version of the best-selling Thrive Programme Book by Rob Kelly, you too can make all of the modifications to the way that you think and feel and totally cure your Emetophobia.
This structured course will help you to understand exactly what it is about the way that YOU see the world that actually creates the phobia in the first place – that’s right – YOU actually created the Emetophobia and because you created it, you CAN also un-create it!
Learning how to Cure for emetophobia involves following the course in a structured way with myself over a number of progressive sessions.
Typically, this ranges from around 6 – 10 sessions, depending on (1) the amount of effort you put into the course, and (2) the severity of your Emetophobia in the first place.
We have developed a way of measuring this severity using a specific tool designed & developed uniquely for Emetophobia sufferers.
This tool is called the Specific Phobia of Vomiting (SPOV) diagnostic, and will be carried out during the first session.
This diagnostic tool allows us to compare your Emetophobic symptoms both before and after the course has been completed.
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What is Emetophobia?
Did you know that Emetophobia has several different names including:
- Fear of Being Sick
- Fear of Vomiting
- Fear of Gagging
- Vomitophobia
- Vomit Phobia
- Globus Hystericus
- Sickness Phobia
Did you also know that it can come in a wide variety of “forms”?
- Fear of Being Sick oneself
- Fear of being sick in public
- Fear of seeing others be sick
- Fear of the sound of someone being sick
- Fear of people laughing at you being sick
- Fear of making a fool of yourself in public
In fact Emetophobia can present itself in a whole host of different ways, but whichever form of Emetophobia you happen to suffer with, this specially developed psychological intervention can help your cure for emetophobia, and has helped hundreds of sufferers to date.
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Cure Emetophobia & Thrive the Process
Following the Thrive Programme with Emetophobia Specialist Edward Omran is challenging and is certainly not to be taken too lightly!
It will challenge many of the things that you believe to be absolutely TRUE (but are in fact YOUR unique perception).
Evidence shows, however, that IF you are prepared to follow the course and put in 100% effort, then you will be able to totally eradicate Emetophobia from your life!
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So what’s it like to follow the Thrive Programme?
The Thrive for Emetophobia course involves:
- A number of diagnostic tools to evaluate your levels of “Self-Esteem”, “Social Anxiety” your sense of “Control” over your life and environment and also the “Severity” of your symptoms
- Lots of “homework” – involving both “practical” as well as “intellectual” exercises
- Recording thoughts & Feelings
- Listening to and evaluating your own “internal dialogue”
- Systematically challenging certain facets of your “belief systems”
- Learning about your particular “personality type”
- Understanding the “thinking styles” that your “personality types” tend to exhibit
- Learning specific psychological tools that enable you to create much more positive “evaluations”
- And much, much more!
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[message type=”info”]Call Me To Arrange A FREE Initial Consultation on 07460-802165[/message]