It is a new year, fresh with the hope of resolutions made on the back of champagne and festivities. The New Year always seems like the Monday of the year – the beginning and therefore the time to start one’s new pursuit. Why start dieting on a Wednesday or working out on a Friday? It somehow makes so much more sense to start at the beginning of a week or the year, right? It’s funny how that happens with resolutions. Now resolutions aren’t bad things. They are born from a desire to better our lives – whether it’s quitting smoking or learning to play the piano.
The issue with resolutions often comes from the broadness or multitude that we assign to ourselves. The bigger the resolution the scarier it appears and therefore the harder it becomes to stick to. I’ve spoken in previous blogs about incorporating changes into our lives incrementally and with patience. I think it’s important to talk about this now with all of the big life resolutions riding on 2019 because every resolution is possible – unless yours was world domination in which I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Jokes aside, every resolution from weight loss to lifestyle improvement is entirely achievable. They ride heavily on one’s approach and perception.
There is a big difference between deciding that your resolution is to drop to a size 8 and deciding to improve your diet and exercise routine. The difference is that the latter is more approachable and sustainable, as well as being healthier. The ultimate goal should always be about health and life improvement rather than weight loss when it comes to dietary resolutions.
The way we phrase things is important and so is the way we lay out our goals. No one is going to drop several stones overnight, definitely not in any healthy or sustainable way. Setting smaller attainable goals within the overall goal is a useful tool – especially if you take the time to consider what works best for you. If you want to exercise more but you hate the gym, look for alternatives. Group classes can be a lot more fun, and walking or running can be more private or peaceful ways to work out. The important thing is to set goals that feel comfortable and attainable for you.
Resolutions are meant to help gear your year towards improvement rather than to affect immediate change or cause stress. This year I’d like to continue improving on my exercise routine and diet as well as finding more time for mindfulness and relaxation. I’m going to incorporate this this by setting myself weekly goals that both challenge me and encourage me to follow through.
At Conquering Life we believe that it is the small but sure changes we make to our lifestyles that affect the most lasting and positive changes. Conquer the New Year, one step at a time.
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