Hypnotherapy Helps
Hypnotherapy Helps
Hypnotherapy helps Therapists have been working with people to help them resolve their issues for hundreds of years.
As a member of the International Association of Evidence Based Psychotherapy (IAEBP), we use a range of forms of therapeutic tools and techniques that can be used to treat a very wide variety of symptoms, conditions, and emotional issues.
Each particular technique approaches your problem in a different way, but all have the same end purpose in mind – to help YOU to be able to get on with your life more effectively.
The following list of symptoms represent a good “snap- shot” of the typical problems helped by hypnotherapy, and have responded very well to the techniques we have available:
- acrophobia
- addictions
- agorophobia
- aichmophobia
- alcohol abuse
- allergies
- amnesia
- anger
- anger management
- anorexia / bulimia
- anxieties
- anxiety and stress related symptoms
- arachnophobia
- asthma
- aviatopophobia
- bed- wetting
- being shy
- bloating
- blushing
- boredom
- bruxism
- cemophobia
- childhood trauma
- chronic fatigue
- chronic pain
- claustrophobia
- colitis
- common phobias
- compulsions
- compulsive behaviours
- compulsive symptoms
- constant counting
- constant worry
- constipation
- coprophobia
- corporophobia
- cramps
- depression
- difficulties
- drinking
- drug abuse
- eating disorders
- emetephobia
- emetophobia
- emotional crying
- exam nerves
- excessive tidiness
- fear of being criticised
- fear of being judged
- fear of being put on the spot
- fear of being sick
- fear of choking
- fear of crowds
- fear of darkness
- fear of Death or Dying
- fear of Defecating
- fear of Dentists
- fear of enclosed spaces
- fear of flying
- fear of gagging
- fear of heights
- fear of intimacy
- fear of needles
- fear of open spaces
- fear of public speaking
- fear of speaking in public
- fear of swallowing
- fear of urinating in front of others
- fear of water
- fears
- feeling put on the spot
- fetishes
- frequently blushing
- frigidity
- gambling
- globus hystericus
- glossophobia
- grief
- guilt
- help for IBS
- help with anxiety
- help with emetophobia
- help with stress
- high stress levels
- hydrophobia
- hypertension
- impotence
- inhibitions
- insomnia
- internet addiction
- jealousy
- job interviews
- lack of confidence
- lack of willpower
- loneliness
- low self confidence
- low self esteem
- making friends
- ME
- migraines
- nail biting
- nausea
- neuritis
- nightmares
- nyctophobia
- obsessions
- obsessive disorders
- obsessive symptoms
- ondontophobia
- overcoming stress
- pain management
- panic
- panic attacks
- paranoia
- paruresis
- phagophobia
- phobias
- poor body image
- poor self and body image
- poor self image
- portion distortion
- premature ejaculation
- presentations
- public speaking
- rejected
- relationship issues
- repressed memories
- rituals
- sex issues
- sexual and physical assault
- sexual issues
- sexual problems
- shy bladder
- shyness
- sickness phobia
- skin disorders
- sleep disorders
- sleeping problems
- slimming
- smoking cessation
- social fears
- social phobia
- speaking in public
- speaking on the telephone
- spider phobia
- sports performance
- stuttering / stammering
- sweating
- tension
- thanatophobia
- thumb sucking
- tinnitus
- toilet anxiety
- vaginismus
- virtual gastric band
- vomitophobia
- weight Loss
- weight management
- worry
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Hypnotherapy has been helping people for many years and the above symptoms are just some of the problems that hypnotherapy helps.