
Checking In VS. Checking Out

Checking In VS. Checking Out


Recently I’ve had a lot on my plate with school, work and pending plans – emotionally, it’s also been a lot, it can exciting and fun as well as hard work and sometimes scary and stressful. I’ve had to be really self aware because the way I used to deal with too much emotion was by shutting it out. I’d turn off that side of me, often without even realizing I was doing it, because it seemed easier to deal without those pesky emotions. However, in that state I was little more than an automaton, doing the actions but not feeling the emotions of a human being. The truth is that while I ignored those feelings I wasn’t making them disappear, instead I was causing them to brew and fester under the surface of my ‘unfeeling’ facade. Which only caused more stress and discomfit. I would go anywhere between a day to couple of weeks feeling unconnected until suddenly it would dawn on me that I had shut myself off again. Thankfully that isn’t something that happens anymore.

Conquering Life taught me that processing our emotions and facing our fears is essential to a happy and healthy life because while I was avoiding tough emotions I was also missing out on the good. It’s all about balance, awareness and acceptance. When bombarded with emotion we tend to focus on the negative but if we take a step back we can find the positivity as well. Fear isn’t as scary if we take the time to process it. Process not obsess, I have to remind myself. There’s no such thing as truly avoiding emotion because, even if we choose not to acknowledge it, emotion is as much a part of being human as breathing is.

Thanks to Conquering Life, instead of retreating inside myself I handle these times with more care. I don’t berate myself, I pause and breath. Once I’ve done this I try to calmly process my feelings. I let myself feel and explore each feeling instead of disregarding their significance. I might not have anything to be afraid of but that doesn’t mean I’m bad or stupid for having felt that way. We are all human after all.

I personally find that talking about the things that are bothering me helps enormously. Once I tell someone I’m feeling stressed or scared I feel some of that weight lift off of my shoulders. It’s a way of bringing all of the internal reflections out into the light of day. It helps put things into perspective. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed, and even if you’re not, it’s important to acknowledge your feelings and care for yourself – however best works for you.


Here at Conquering Life we know that you are all capable of overcoming anything thrown at you and more importantly we know you have to ability to appreciate the wonderful things in your life, you just have to decide to do so. So take a step back and take a deep breath – you’ve got this. You can Conquer Life.

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